鹿児島大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 形態科学(旧 神経解剖学)
口岩 聡 Satoshi KUCHIIWA Ph.D.
鹿児島純心大学 大学院人間科学研究科・人間教育学部 教育・心理学科
口岩 俊子 Toshiko KUCHIIWA Ph.D.

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私たち研究グループの研究・Research of our group

Calculating aggressive behavior towards inanimate objects using a machine

 私たち研究グループは、無生物に対する攻撃行動を計測する技術を開発しました(特許第4858996号 刺激応答計測システムおよび刺激方法計測方法)。この技術は、ストレス障害や鬱症状をもったマウスが身体に接触する物体を嫌悪して、その物体に攻撃を加える性質に注目したものです。正常な動物は棒で身体を突かれてもあまり反応しませんが、精神疾患を有する動物は、棒の接触を我慢することができません。激しく棒に噛み付いて棒を排除しようとします。この精神疾患動物に起こる攻撃行動が対物攻撃行動です。動物の精神症状が重ければ重いほど、対物攻撃行動は強くなります。したがって、動物が棒に噛み付いた力の強さを計測すれば、動物の精神症状の重症度が評価できます。機械的な計測ですので主観が入り込む余地がなく、世界中の研究者が同一の条件下に試験を行うことができますので、研究者によるデータ差が生まれにくいのも特長です。私たちが開発した技術は、エクスプレスAP(ExpResAP)に技術移転され、製品化されています。

 With the development of a psychotropic drug, we assess how aggression of the laboratory animal changes after giving it the new drug, surveying the details and assessing the effect of said drug on the brain. Generally, male laboratory animals are made to fight each other and it is analyzed for aggression (Resident Intruder Test). But the results of this method may vary based on the relationship between the animals, as well as bias of the observer. Furthermore, since male hormones are required for aggression to be exhibited, the inability to use female laboratory animals is a disadvantage, and since we know the effect of the psychotropic drug differs greatly between the two genders, performing the aggressive behavioral test on male laboratory animals alone is an issue. With the development of this psychotropic drug, the appropriate thing to do would be to introduce an aggressive behavioral test that is not influenced by male hormones.

 Our research group has developed a tool to measure aggressive behavior towards inanimate objects (Patent number 4858996 Aggression Response Meter: ARM). This tool focuses on the mouse's aversion to objects that contact it's body, and the increase in aggression to said objects in mice that have stress disorder and depression-like diseases. Normal animals don't react much when poked with a stick, but those with mental illnesses cannot tolerate it and tries to eliminate it by biting it aggressively. The aggressive behavior that are exhibited in these animals with mental illnesses is known as aggressive biting behavior towards inanimate objects. As these mental symptoms get stronger, their aggression towards objects becomes stronger. Therefore, if we were to measure the force at which the animals bite the stick, we can evaluate how heavy the mental symptoms in said animals are, and since it is a mechanical measurement, there is the advantage of subjectivity and bias not affecting the results and lowers the differences in data based on individual researchers' bias. The tool we have invented was technology transferred to Muromachi Kikai Co. Ltd. and is being manufactured (Aggression Response Meter: ARM).
