- 実験動物の対物攻撃行動を機械で計る・Calculating aggressive behavior towards inanimate objects using a machine
- 精神疾患モデルマウスの攻撃行動を調べる・Analysis of aggressiveness in psychiatric model mice
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私たち研究グループの研究・Research of our group
Analysis of aggressiveness in psychiatric model mice
胎盤/母乳経由でダイオキシンを摂取した子マウスが思春期に達した頃、正常な動物には見られない苛立ちの行動が目立つようになります。その様子は鬱モデル動物の行動と酷似していましたので、私たち研究グループはダイオキシンによって欝病が発症する可能性を推論し、その症状を定量的に診断したいと考えました。ダイオキシン摂取マウスのこの苛立ちの症状はイリタビリティ irritability(易怒性)と呼ばれますが、これまでイリタビリティを計測する行動学研究法は存在しませんでした。

精神疾患患者と同様に、さまざまな精神疾患モデルマウスまたはラットにもイリタビリティに起因する行動異常が存在します。そのため精神疾患モデル動物は、正常動物に比較すると、一般に扱いにくい性質を有しています。例えば、精神疾患モデル動物を手で掴もうとすると、動物はホームケージ内を激しく逃げ回り、時には実験者の手指に噛みつくこともあります。このような症状がある動物の頭部を執拗に触ると 棒に噛みつきこれを排除しようとします(対物攻撃行動)。(ビデオ1とビデオ2をご覧ください。)これらの精神疾患モデル動物の行動は 正常な実験動物には観察されませんので、これらは脳疾患または脳障害に伴う症状の一部であると考えられます。対物攻撃行動 aggressive behavior toward inanimate objectsは、病的なイリタビリティ症状を有する動物に特徴的に発現する異常行動です。さまざまな精神疾患や脳障害に病的なイリタビリティが伴うことを考えると、動物の対物攻撃行動を定量的に評価する技術を確立させる必要が有ることは論を待ちません。
本研究では、接触逃避行動 および 対物攻撃行動 の強度および発現頻度を計測するための研究装置(攻撃行動計測システム Aggression Response Meter: ARM)を作製し、両行動の変化を調べました。隔離飼育を開始してから徐々に動物の応答行動の大きさを示す数値は大きくなり、逆にこれらの動物を集団飼育に戻すと両応答行動の値は著しく減弱しました。また、接触逃避行動または対物攻撃行動が大きい隔離飼育動物に抗不安薬を投与すると、両応答反応は著しく減弱しました。これらの実験から、ストレス負荷に連動して接触逃避行動と対物攻撃行動が増強し、抗不安薬の投与で両応答行動が減弱することがわかりました。本研究により、「接触逃避行動」と「対物攻撃行動」をARMによって計測することにより、動物の精神疾患症状を的確に評価できることが明らかとなりました。
When young mice that have ingested dioxin via placenta/breast milk reach puberty, an irritated behavior becomes prominent. Since said state matched with the behavior of model animals with depression, our research group inferred that there is a possibility of depression being caused by dioxins. We thought to diagnose those symptoms quantitatively, but until then a behavioral research method to measure this irritation did not exist.
Patients who are abnormally more irritable react strongly to trivial things and tend to explosively switch from a calm mental state exposing discomfort or anger. An abnormal increase in irritability is not only a dioxin disorder but rather stress disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, drug-induced mood disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorder, dementia, pervasive development disorder, ADHD, disruptive behavioral disorder, and such, which can be seen on a daily basis on many patients of mental diseases and development disabilities. They may also appear as a side effect to psychotropic medicines and drugs. Furthermore, they may also appear when interrupting the use of these drugs.
Similar to patients with mental disorders, various model mice or rats with mental illness are also exposed to abnormal behavior due to irritability. For that reason, they generally have a cumbersome nature to an experimenter. For example, if you were to grab a model animal with a mental illness by hand, the animal aggressively runs around their home cage, and at times even biting your fingers. If you persistently touch the heads of animals with a stick, they bite it and try to eliminate it (aggressive behavior towards inanimate objects). (Please refer to videos 1 and 2.) Since the behavior of these model animals with mental illnesses cannot be observed in normal laboratory animals, it can be thought that they suffer from brain diseases or types of symptoms associated with brain disorders. Aggressive behavior towards inanimate objects is the characteristic unusual behavior in animals that have abnormal irritability symptoms. We believe that it is necessary to establish technology to quantitatively evaluate the behavior in animals when we think that various mental illnesses and brain disorders are accompanied by abnormal irritability.
A part of model animals with mental illnesses is that they are bred by loading chronic stress on them. Long term isolated breeding models (breeding one per cage for a long period of time) are a typical example of this, and are widely used for evaluation tests and such for psychotropic drugs (since mice are animals that live in groups, putting them in isolation accumulates stress and symptoms stress and symptoms of depression appear). Our research group keeps mice in isolation for long periods of time to develop symptoms of stress in them, and using aggressive behavior as an index we conduct an evaluation test on their irritability. We also investigate the change in reaction after administering the psychotropic drug, and verify the validity of whether quantitative evaluation of aggression uses their response behaviors as indices.
In this research, in order to measure expression of touch escape behavior and aggressive biting behavior towards inanimate objects, we developed a research tool (Aggression Response Meter: ARM) and examined the change in both behaviors. After beginning isolated breeding, the intensities of touch escape and aggressive biting behaviors gradually increased, and conversely, when the animals were returned to group breeding the intensities for both responses decreased remarkably. Not to mention, when anxiolytic drugs are administered to the irritated animal of isolated breeding with strong touch escape or aggressive biting behaviors, both decreased significantly. Through these experiments, we found that along with stress load, both touch escape and aggressive biting behaviors increase, and that administration of anxiolytic drugs both weaken said behaviors. This research revealed to us that by measuring touch escape and aggressive biting behaviors, we can accurately assess symptoms of mental illnesses in animals.